Thursday, June 10, 2010

Void to ......Voila!

How do you react when you loose something you never had? The illusion which gave life to your existence. The illusion which was a guiding star for you which never faded away irrespective of gloomy weathers.  Something which you had held close to your heart that its absence leaves a huge void. The void which can't be filled by work, activities, interests or friends. You try to walk away from this chaos. But each attempt to walk away only puts you back on the highway to hell. You heed to reality. Your friendly fate seems a lot ironic. You give up on your cherished dreams because they don't seem "real" enough to be accomplished. And once you do that, you end up losing yourself. The void seems to have grown out of proportion and encircled your complete life. Encircled in this abyss, you look up in the sky for the guiding star.....only to realize that it was always there! You realize that the illusion meant a lot more to you than you thought it did in the first place. It is a reflection of the determined, strong-willed yet sensitive individual who is willing to perspire for his lofty aspirations. And with this revelation, you find your dreams and the courage and faith which always kept you motivated towards them.

Perhaps, all I have done over a long period of time is just walked a full circle. I did not let go but still I have moved on :-).

1 comment:

vinaya said...

Even if you did come back to the start, you now know that there is no where else you can possibly be.