Sunday, May 16, 2010

You thought it was all over. It seemed that all the good stuff that could happen had already happened in your life. What lied ahead seemed dull, boring, routine... mundane. And then it happened. It entered my life like a breath of fresh air. And within few seasons, I was swept off my feet and landed into a world full of timely witty remarks and high quality sarcasm. The world of Frasier. What makes Frasier special is the awesome chemistry between the 5 main characters of the sitcom despite the diversity between them. Especially the manner in which Niles's silent love for Daphne has been directed and the witty moments whenever Niles and Roz demean each other. Being a true fan of Frasier, this post can't end without me being it's central character. So let me emphasize on the diversity between the 5 characters by trying to depict how they will comment on this wonderful picture of mine taken last week at the balloon bursting event in office.
 A brief description of the characters so that you can understand the paragraph below. Frasier and Niles are the pretentious snobs who can't leave psychiatry out of any aspect of their life. Their dad Martin can't live without TV and Beer. Roz can't live without having a new man in her life every 2 episodes. And Daphne, Frasier's house servant rocks with her English accent. 

Frasier - Look at him Niles. He looks so confused. His eyes depict that he is totally lost in life at this moment but still he can smile about it.
Niles - O Oh! And the balloon suggests the only way he knows out is aiming for the sky. All he needs is a point in the right direction and he will fly right out of this mess.
Martin - Believe me. The guy is a freak! Why else will he have a pink balloon tied to his feet?
Daphne (out of this analysis) - Roz, are you staying for dinner?
Roz - Well, He is so cute. I can eat him for dinner ;) :P

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