One billion cricket-crazy people are celebrating the birthday of batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar today. Writing something which has not already been written about the little genius is almost impossible. The 30000 runs which encompass close to 100 centuries and many more milestones have been talked about and discussed in many articles written about him over a period of 20 years now. But what strikes me most about him is his amazing work ethic. For 20 years now, he has stood up and done the job assigned to him with utmost diligence and passion every single day. Be it a ordinary opposition like Bangladesh or a strong opposition like Australia, he always gives his best. All the success and fame he has achieved is a mere byproduct of his hunger and passion for cricket. (Ofcourse the fact that cricket is a religion in our country helps.) Perhaps that is the biggest lesson one can take from this living legend. "When you are in it, you gotta aim to win it!"
Happy birthday Sachin!