Two stories about two experiences on last weekend.
Story 1 :
Sitting on top of a 80 feet tall water tank, I was kinda feeling high! Why? coz I had a good week at work!! Recently I shifted to a new team in office. And I am really excited about working on state of the art technology. About solving a new problem rather than being a part of the Bingo Mad Angles
advertisement. It feels great!
Story 2 :
Sitting at Coffee-Board(canteen) in IISC, Bangalore, I am staring at the wall. The wall which stands between the pure academic world and the materialistic real world. On this side of the wall, people are driven by the urge to create knowledge. On the other side, the driving force is money. The grass is green on this side. On the other side, it's astro turf. On this side, you are least worried about owning assets. On the other side, you own so many assets (home, car, etc) before you realize that the corresponding EMI's are going to end up owning your life. More importantly, the high that I mentioned in story 1 is an integral part of life on this side of the wall. On the other side, that high is rare.
So where do I stand? After being on the other side for more than 3 years, I have realized that I can't continue to be another brick in the wall. And since I can't jump the wall in near future, the least I wish to do is to climb the wall and enjoy the pleasures of both the worlds. Now you can say Amen! :-)